Marketing & PR
With over 15 years of marketing and PR experience in the gaming industry, we can make your product stand out in the unique Asian market. We can serve all major Asian markets as a "one-stop" PR agency to save you time and budget!
With over 15 years of marketing and PR experience in the gaming industry, we can make your product stand out in the unique Asian market. We can serve all major Asian markets as a "one-stop" PR agency to save you time and budget!
Having a local social media presence is very important today to expand your fan base and community participation. We can help you establish and manage local SNS and Discord channels for your products!
Content creator review coordination, key distribution, campaign planning, and media mix. Analyze which influencers and their audiences fit your product and propose effective campaigns.
We coordinate both online/offline events such as media showcases, media booking and assistance at trade shows, fan events, etc.
Our creative services include localization, voice-over sourcing and management, asset production, and video editing.
Have a game you want to distribute in Japan? We can help with sales in Japan, provide support, and follow up on legal and tax requirements!
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